Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Crate Training Puppies

Crate training puppies is very simple to do, and is actually best for you and for your puppy in my belief. It creates a safe environment for your puppy, and protects your home from the damage that puppies can often cause.

It can in addition shield your new puppy from other pets you may possibly have in the household, that weren't expecting any guests, and aren't too ecstatic with the new arrangements.

If you would like to employ the crate training method for your new puppy, then you want to purchase a suitable crate. There are crates made of both metal and plastic. I feel the metal is superior and can last a lifetime, but either one can perform fine.

I suggest a crate no lesser than 24'W x 26'H x 32'L for smaller puppies, and 28-30' W x 30-32' H x 36' L for bigger puppies. If there's a choice I would buy the bigger one, since it offers your dog additional space.

Once you bring your new puppy home it is best to have the crate already present and set up. Put it in an area which is central to the family, so the puppy does not feel left out once inside the crate, but not in a high traffic area which is too hectic.

A safe spot might be close to the exit leading to an outdoors area where your puppy will be free to relieve himself. It is best to choose a satisfactory spot and then try to stick with it, to prevent confusing your puppy.

Make the crate comfortable by placing an old blanket, or a few towels on the bottom to provide your puppy something soft to lay on.

The first time you bring the puppy to your house put a few small biscuits, and perhaps a chew toy in the crate. Then persuade your puppy to explore his/her brand new crate, using the biscuits and chew toy to create appeal.

Praise your puppy each time he/she goes inside the crate making a big deal about it. Continue to persuade your puppy to go in the crate during the day. Once he/she seems comfortable with this process, place another toy inside the crate and then close the gate the next time he/she goes inside.

Keep in mind that this is training meant for your puppy, and crate training puppies will cause you to do a few things that you possibly don't like doing, like shutting the crate door, and looking at that sad little face.

Stay outside the crate and praise him for being obedient. Puppies like being praised. Place your fingers through the holes into the crate and have fun with your puppy while he is in there.

After a few minutes move away and leave him by himself. He or she may possibly whine, but this is normal. Do not allow him out at this moment. Eventually your puppy should settle down and rest.

After a brief period of time like 30 to 60 minutes move to the crate and offer your puppy a lot of praise for being so obedient, and then let him out of the crate.

What you are accomplishing now is getting your puppy comfortable with being in the crate. If you maintain this simple strategy with your own small variations for roughly a week, you will notice that your puppy will most likely go into the crate on his own as soon as he is tired.

Leave the gate to the crate wide open when the puppy is not put in by you. You may discover that after a week or two they will begin to go in on their own when they need to rest. This is exactly what you would like to take place.

When you initially begin your puppy with the crate train method I would suggest you only leave your puppy inside the crate for roughly two hours at a time before taking him out to relieve him/herself and get a little exercise. As your puppy gets roughly twelve weeks old you can stretch it to roughly three or four hours.

It is essential to keep the puppy from relieving him/herself in the crate if at all possible. An accident or two is going to take place, but if it becomes a pattern, this can send a bad message to your puppy and make them begin to stay away from the crate. Dogs don't like to sleep anywhere they poo and pee.

Crate training puppies is simple, and ought to go smoothly after the first week. How long you decide to go on with this method is up to you, but I personally would crate train until your pet is roughly nine months. When your puppy is about six to seven months old you ought to begin to give him/her a little more freedom around the house.

Between six and nine months you may be able to eliminate the crate, but don't be in too much of a hurry, since bad behavior can re-emerge quickly.

The ultimate test is leaving your puppy out of the crate while no one is at home. The first time you do this be sure it is merely for fifteen or twenty minutes. If you return to no destruction or mischief then perhaps the puppy has learned well.

Gradually extend the puppy's freedom period until you are comfortable with the outcome.

I feel if you try the crate training method with your puppy you will reach the same conclusion I did after trying it for the first time. It is the best way to go.

If you are thinking that you can merely use a cardboard box to put your puppy in, forget about it. Puppies hate cardboard boxes, since they can't see everything as soon as you put them in there.

That's why they spend the whole day and night (while you're trying to sleep) trying to get over the side. Have you ever experienced the sound of a puppy's claws digging the inside of a cardboard box at three a.m.

You won't have that issue with a crate because they can see out when they are resting.

Crate training puppies is the best way to go, for your benefit, and it's in your puppy's best interest, and crate training a puppy is very simple. After you have tried it, I am confident you will have the same opinion.

You can find many more interesting articles to read on the training, feeding, grooming, and basic care of your furry friend, and more articles on Crate Training Puppies at The Golden Retriever


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Pet Food Nightmare

I know everyone has been shaken by this pet food nightmare. It seems every day there are more brands added to the list.

Yesterday I read that Purina was removing some of their products from the store shelves, and Alpo dog food is getting recalled.

In another article Ol’Roy beef jerky strip snacks, and a couple of other Ol’Roy snacks were being recalled. I went to the pet store a few days ago to get some more information, and was told that representatives from “Nutro natural choice dog food”, had been there, and there is speculation that the contamination may have gotten into their dry dog food also. It looks like it’s not just canned food like they first told us.

I thought we were safe with dry dog food. I make about 60% of my dogs meals myself, and the rest is commercial kibble and canned dog food. I don’t’ believe anything they are telling us now, so I went in search of a solution, and I think I found one. I found a dog food made by a company called Merrick.

I bought some a couple of days ago, and from what I have read about the company, and the appearance of the food, combined with my dogs reaction when I give it to them, both dry food and canned, it may be the only commercial dog food I will ever use again.

It also is not involved in the recall, because they make it themselves. I could go on and on about how happy I am that I found this pet food, but visit the web site and see for yourself.

By the way, this is no sales pitch. I don’t make two cents by sending you to their web site. I just hope it helps, and maybe saves a few dogs and cats.

Have A Golden Day
Glenn Downer

Monday, April 16, 2007

Summer Tips For Your Pets

Summer is fast approaching, so here are a few tips to keep your Golden Retriever happy and healthy.

Never leave your pet alone in a vehicle. Even with the windows open, they can be overcome by extreme heat in a matter of minutes.

Have a shady protected area for your dog if they spend time outdoors. Never leave them in the midday heat without water and shade.

The mosquitoes that spread heartworm are just waiting to infect the unprotected pet. Make sure your dog is tested for heartworm, and takes the preventive medication that will help him avoid this debilitating and fatal disease.

With the arrival of the warm weather you will probably be opening your windows to let the summer breezes in. Each year thousands of pets are injured or killed from falling out of upper floor windows. Window guards or heavy duty screens can help prevent this tragedy.

Many plants, fertilizers and insecticides will poison your pet if ingested. Be careful to keep your pet from eating outdoor plants, and contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog licks up any fertilizer or pesticides.

If your Golden Retriever becomes hot to the touch, his gums, tongue or ears are pale with a greyish tinge, he pants heavily, or shows other signs of distress, cool him down gradually by spraying him with cool water. If your pets suffering continues without relief, take him to a veterinarian as quickly as possible, because he may be suffering from heat exhaustion, or heat stroke.

Keeping an eye on your pet when the weather gets hot, and following these tips, will help to ensure a safe summer for your dog.

Have a Golden Day
Glenn Downer