Monday, April 16, 2007

Summer Tips For Your Pets

Summer is fast approaching, so here are a few tips to keep your Golden Retriever happy and healthy.

Never leave your pet alone in a vehicle. Even with the windows open, they can be overcome by extreme heat in a matter of minutes.

Have a shady protected area for your dog if they spend time outdoors. Never leave them in the midday heat without water and shade.

The mosquitoes that spread heartworm are just waiting to infect the unprotected pet. Make sure your dog is tested for heartworm, and takes the preventive medication that will help him avoid this debilitating and fatal disease.

With the arrival of the warm weather you will probably be opening your windows to let the summer breezes in. Each year thousands of pets are injured or killed from falling out of upper floor windows. Window guards or heavy duty screens can help prevent this tragedy.

Many plants, fertilizers and insecticides will poison your pet if ingested. Be careful to keep your pet from eating outdoor plants, and contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog licks up any fertilizer or pesticides.

If your Golden Retriever becomes hot to the touch, his gums, tongue or ears are pale with a greyish tinge, he pants heavily, or shows other signs of distress, cool him down gradually by spraying him with cool water. If your pets suffering continues without relief, take him to a veterinarian as quickly as possible, because he may be suffering from heat exhaustion, or heat stroke.

Keeping an eye on your pet when the weather gets hot, and following these tips, will help to ensure a safe summer for your dog.

Have a Golden Day
Glenn Downer

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